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Dardel migration

Dardel server racks

This page describes how to transfer files to Dardel, the HPC cluster at PDC in Stockholm.

Why do I need this?

The Rackham cluster will be decommissioned at the end of 2024, hence all project directories will be deleted. The plan from NAISS is that all Rackham users can move to the Dardel cluster at PDC, and we encourage you to do so right away.

Researchers at Uppsala University, should they so desire, can choose to keep data at UPPMAX. Projects with UU affiliation that remain on Rackham at the end of this year can be transferred to a new local system.

To facilitate this move, we have created a tool that makes the transfer easier.

Move details of the next UPPMAX system here.

Short version

The really short description is:

  1. Become a member of a project with resources at Dardel in SUPR.
  2. Create a passwordless SSH key.
  3. Add the key to the PDC login portal.
  4. Add * as allowed address for the key.
  5. Load module darsync and run darsync check on the folder you want to transfer.
  6. Create a Slurm script using darsync gen on the folder you want to transfer.
  7. Submit the created Slurm script.

See the rest of this guide for more information about these steps.

Long version

Prefer a video?

This procedure is also shown in this YouTube video.

First, we are here to help. Please contact support if you run into problems when trying the guide below.

This migration consists of a couple of steps summarized below. Press the links to get more detailed explanation of each step. Note that step 1 requires some hours of waiting and step 2 requires an overnight wait.

flowchart TD
  get_supr_project[1. Access to a SUPR project with Dardel]
  get_pdc_account[2. Access to a PDC account]
  create_ssh_key[3. Create temporary SSH keys]
  add_ssh_key[4. Add the SSH keys to the PDC Login Portal]
  run_darsync[5. Run Darsync]
  slurm[6. Submit the script created by Darsync]
  check_logs[7. Check logs]
  delete_ssh_keys[8. Delete the temporary SSH keys]

  get_supr_project --> |needed for| get_pdc_account

  create_ssh_key --> |needed for| add_ssh_key
  get_pdc_account --> |needed for| add_ssh_key
  add_ssh_key --> |needed for| run_darsync
  run_darsync --> |needed for| slurm
  slurm --> |needed for| check_logs
  check_logs --> |needed for| delete_ssh_keys

Overview of the migration process. Note that step 1 requires some hours of waiting and step 2 requires an overnight wait.

After those steps, the procedure will take around 20 minutes, as shown in the YouTube video that shows this procedure.

1. Get access to a SUPR project with Dardel

First step is to get get access to a SUPR project with Dardel. This is described at PDC's page on getting access to Dardel. You will get an email when you are added to a project, this can take some hours.

How do I know I have access to a Dardel project?

Login to If there is a PDC project, you may have access to a project with Dardel.

Example user that has access to a PDC project

If you may a PDC project that does not use Dardel, click on the project to go the the project overview.

Example PDC project overview

From there, scroll down to 'Resources'. If you see 'Dardel' among the compute resources, you have confirmed you have access to a Dardel project.

Resources from an example PDC project

2. Get a PDC account via SUPR

Get a PDC account via SUPR. This is described at the PDC page on how to apply for a SUPR account. You will get a PDC account overnight.

How do I know I have a PDC account?

Login to and click on 'Accounts' in the main menu bar at the left.

If you see 'Dardel' among the resources, and status 'Enabled' in the same row, you have a PDC account!

Example of a user having an account at PDC's Dardel HPC cluster

3. Create SSH key pair

First we will create SSH keys to be able to connect to Dardel. We have made a small tool to create the keys for Darsync for you, so just run these commands on UPPMAX:

module load darsync
darsync sshkey

4. Add the public key to the PDC Login Portal

See create and use an SSH key pair for Dardel, step 2, to see how to upload the public SSH key to the PDC Login Portal.

5. Run the migration tool Darsync

5.1 Load the module

module load darsync

5.2 Check for problems

This step is optional, yet may help against possible problems.

Running darsync check will make Darsync prompt for questions:

darsync check
Can I also give the arguments on the command line?

If you prefer to specify everything from the command-line, do:

darsync check --local-dir [foldername]

where [foldername] is the name to a folder, for example darsync check --local-dir ~/my_folder.

There are some more optional arguments, see these by doing:

darsync check --help

If there are problems reported, contact support or try to fix them yourself.

What is the file darsync_[dirname].ownership.gz?

This is a file containing file ownership information. It is created in the root of the folder you told Darsync to transfer to Dardel.

When a user transfer all the files in a project to a project at Dardel, all the files at Dardel will be owned by the user who did the transfer. By saving the ownership information of the files at UPPMAX, we can map the file ownership information to the corresponding users at Dardel.

Can I delete the file darsync_[dirname].ownership.gz?

No, keep it until you feel at home at Dardel and have worked in your new project a couple of months. By that time you should have encountered any problems with file permissions that you might have.

If you discover that you get problems because of wrong owner of files (write permissions etc), this file contains the information needed to recreate the file ownerships as they were before you transfered the files, even if your UPPMAX project has already been deleted.

How to fix WARNING: files with uncompressed file extensions above the threshold detected

It looks for files with file endings matching common uncompressed file formats, like .fq, .sam, .vcf, .txt. If the combined file size of these files are above a threshold it will trigger the warning. Most programs that uses these formats can also read the compressed version of them.

Examples of how to compress common formats:

# fastq/fq/fasta/txt
gzip file.fq

# vcf
bgzip file.vcf

# sam
samtools view -b file.sam > file.bam
# when the above command is completed successfully:
# rm file.sam

For examples on how to compress other file formats, use an internet search engine to look for ``` how to compress file

How to fix WARNING: Total number of files, or number of files in a single directory

If a project consists of many small files it will decrease the data transfer speed, as there is an overhead cost to starting and stopping each file transfer. A way around this is to pack all the small files into a single tar archive, so that it only has to start and stop a single time.

Example of how to pack a folder and all files in it into a single tar archive.


on uppmax

pack it

tar -czvf folder.tar.gz /path/to/folder

the the command above finished without error messages and you have a folder.tar.gz file that seems about right in size,

rm -r /path/to/folder

5.3 Generate script

In this third step, the Slurm script is created.

A lot of questions

The script will ask multiple questions. Below it is described how to get the answers :-)

Running darsync gen will make Darsync prompt for questions:

darsync gen

After answering all the questions a new file will be created. By default it will be created in your home directory, named, where foldername is the name of the folder you told it to transfer, e.g. ~/

In case of a typo, you can also modify the transfer script created by Darsync, which is a regular Slurm script.

Can I also give the arguments on the command line?

If you prefer to specify everything from the command-line, do:

darsync gen \
  --local-dir [foldername on UPPMAX] \
  --remote-dir [foldername on Dardel] \
  --slurm-account [slurm_account] \
  --cluster [slurm_cluster] \
  --username [pdc_username] \
  --ssh-key [private_ssh_key_path] \
  --outfile [output_filename]


  • [foldername] is the name to a folder, e.g. ~/my_folder
  • [slurm_account] is the UPPMAX project ID, e.g. uppmax2023-2-25
  • [slurm_cluster] is the cluster on UPPMAX where the job will run, e.g. rackham or snowy
  • [pdc_username] is your PDC username, e.g svenan
  • [private_ssh_key_path] is the path the private SSH key, e.g. ~/id_ed25519_pdc
  • [output_filename] is the name of the Slurm output file, e.g. ~/

resulting in:

darsync gen \
  --local-dir ~/my_folder \
  --remote-dir /cfs/klemming/projects/nais2024-23-9999
  --slurm-account uppmax2023-2-25 \
  --username svenan \
  --ssh-key ~/id_ed25519_pdc \
  --outfile ~/

There are some more optional arguments, see these by doing:

darsync gen --help
How to find out my UPPMAX project ID?

The UPPMAX project ID is used in your Slurm scripts, with the -A flag.

Your UPPMAX project IDs can be found at UPPMAX projects for Rackham usually start with NAISS or UPPMAX and have '(UPPMAX)' after the project name.

Here is how to convert the UPPMAX project name to UPPMAX project ID:

UPPMAX project name UPPMAX project ID
NAISS 2024/22-49 naiss2024-22-49
UPPMAX 2023/2-25 uppmax2023-2-25

Example page. Eligible candidates seem 'NAISS 2024/22-49' and 'UPPMAX 2023/2-25'.

How to find out my PDC username?

Login to and click on 'Accounts' in the main menu bar at the left.

If you see 'Dardel' among the resources, and status 'Enabled' in the same row, you have a PDC account. In the first column of such a row, you will see your username

Example of a user having an account at PDC's Dardel HPC cluster. In this case, the username is richelbi

How to find out where on Dardel I will transfer your data to?
  • Your home folder: /cfs/klemming/home/r/[username], where [username] is your PDC username, for example /cfs/klemming/home/r/sven
  • Your project folder: /cfs/klemming/projects/[project_storage], where [project_storage] is your PDC project storage folder, for example /cfs/klemming/projects/snic/naiss2023-22-1027

Composite image of a PDC project and its associated storage folder at the bottom. In this case, the full folder name is /cfs/klemming/projects/snic/naiss2023-22-10271

6. Submit the script created by Darsync

You submit the transfer script the same way you submit any jobs at UPPMAX: Replace nais2024-23-9999 with the name of the folder you told Darsync to transfer.

sbatch ~/
I get an error 'sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed'. What do I do?

It means that the script created for you has a mistake.

See Slurm troubleshooting for guidance on how to troubleshoot this.

7. Check logs

Once the submitted job has finished, have a look at the log file produced by the job and make sure it did not end in a error message. Replace nais2024-23-9999 with the name of the folder you told Darsync to transfer.

tail ~/dardel_naiss2024-23-9999.out
tail ~/dardel_naiss2024-23-9999.err

8. Delete the SSH key

After the migration, these temporary SSH keys can and should be deleted:

rm ~/id_ed25519_pdc*


I get the error: ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host. How do I fix this?
[richel@rackham1 ~]$ bash /domus/h1/richel/
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.2]

This means that Dardel is down, probably due to maintenance.

Check if there are any problems with Dardel.

You can do nothing, except wait until Dardel is up again.