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DIAMOND protein alignment databases

The DIAMOND protein aligner is a recent tool offering much faster (100× to 1000× faster than Blast) alignment of protein sequences against reference databases. On UPPMAX, DIAMOND is available by loading the diamond module, the most recent installed version of which which as of this writing is diamond/2.0.14.

As for BLAST databases, UPPMAX provides several pre-built databases suitable for direct usage with the --db flag to diamond, as well as runs diamond prepdb on each of its downloaded BLAST protein databases whenever they are installed. The BLAST databases are updated according to the schedule given on their webpage. The diamond-format NCBI protein databases are updated once a month.

For each of the databases listed below, the method of versioning is indicated. To determine the version at UPPMAX, check the path given below after removing the database name from the last position; latest is a symbolic link that points to a directory with a name equivalent to the version of the most recent update. Old database versions will be removed after updates, so please use latest rather than directly addressing a database version.

Each of the database locations below is also available in the indicated environment variable set when any version of the diamond module is loaded. These are simple to use, for example to search nr:

diamond --db $DIAMOND_NR ...

NCBI BLAST Protein Databases

Whenever the BLAST databases are updated and installed, diamond prepdb is run on each of the protein-format databases so that they can be searched directly by diamond. See the BLAST databases webpage for a description of these.

To search any of them using diamond, load the blast_databases/latest module. This defines the environment variable BLASTDB, which contains the directory holding these databases. Once this module is loaded, you can run diamond on any of the protein databases. For example:

diamond --db $BLASTDB/nr ...
diamond --db $BLASTDB/cdd_delta ...
diamond --db $BLASTDB/swissprot ...
diamond --db $BLASTDB/pdbaa ...

According to DIAMOND's developer, these are faster to load than DIAMOND's own .dmnd-format databases. So, you may want to load the blast_databases/latest data module and use --db $BLASTDB/nr for your NCBI nr searches, for example, instead of --db $DIAMOND_NR.

Diamond-format NCBI Protein Databases

Downloaded from These are updated frequently at NCBI, so they are versioned here by the monthly download date. There is no longer a separate FASTA version of env_nr, so its Blast database is downloaded from and FASTA sequences are extracted using blastdbcmd -entry all from module blast/2.12.0+.

Database Environment variable for diamond --db UPPMAX path
nr DIAMOND_NR /sw/data/diamond_databases/Blast/latest/nr
env_nr DIAMOND_ENV_NR /sw/data/diamond_databases/Blast/latest/env_nr
swissprot DIAMOND_SWISSPROT /sw/data/diamond_databases/Blast/latest/swissprot
pdbaa DIAMOND_PDBAA /sw/data/diamond_databases/Blast/latest/pdbaa

NCBI RefSeq Proteins

RefSeq protein databases are downloaded from, with an update occurring if there is a new release as indicated by the contents of

Database Environment variable for diamond --db UPPMAX path
complete.nonredundant_protein.protein DIAMOND_REFSEQ_NONREDUNDANT /sw/data/diamond_databases/RefSeq/latest/complete.nonredundant_protein.protein
complete.protein DIAMOND_REFSEQ /sw/data/diamond_databases/RefSeq/latest/complete.protein


The UniRef90 protein database is downloaded as Fasta from its UK mirror at, with an update occurring if there is a new version as indicated by the <version> tag in the XML description available at

Database Environment variable for diamond --db UPPMAX path
uniref90 DIAMOND_UNIREF90 /sw/data/diamond_databases/UniRef90/latest/uniref90

UniProt Reference Proteomes

The UniProt Reference Proteomes protein database is downloaded as Fasta from its UK mirror at, with an update occurring if there is a new version as indicated by the <version> tag in the XML description available at If there is a new release, then the file Reference_Proteomes_RELEASE.tar.gz is downloaded, with RELEASE replaced by the release number. The reference_proteomes.dmnd database is created from this file using the protocol described after the table.

Database Environment variable for diamond --db UPPMAX path
UniProt Reference Proteomes DIAMOND_REFERENCE_PROTEOMES /sw/data/diamond_databases/reference_proteomes/latest/reference_proteomes

The reference_proteomes.dmnd database is created using the following protocol for the BlobToolKit. This uses UPPMAX's most recently downloaded NCBI taxonomy database for its taxonomic metadata.

module load bioinfo-tools
module load diamond/2.0.14
module load ncbi_taxonomy/latest

after downloading

tar xf Reference_Proteomes_RELEASE.tar.gz
touch reference_proteomes.fasta.gz
find . -mindepth 2 | grep "fasta.gz" | grep -v 'DNA' | grep -v 'additional' | xargs cat >> reference_proteomes.fasta.gz
printf "accession\taccession.version\ttaxid\tgi\n" > reference_proteomes.taxid_map
zcat */*/*.idmapping.gz | grep "NCBI_TaxID" | awk '{print $1 "\t" $1 "\t" $3 "\t" 0}' >> reference_proteomes.taxid_map
diamond makedb --db reference_proteomes.dmnd --in reference_proteomes.fasta.gz --threads 10 --taxonmap reference_proteomes.taxid_map --taxonnames $NCBI_TAXONOMY_ROOT/names.dmp --taxonnodes $NCBI_TAXONOMY_ROOT/nodes.dmp