is a program to help optimize Slurm jobs.
Show the help¶
To show the help of finishedjobinfo
, in a terminal , do:
How does that look like?
[sven@rackham3 ~]$ finishedjobinfo -h
Usage: finishedjobinfo [-h] [-M cluster_name] [-j jobid[,jobid...]] [-m|-y|-s YYYY-MM-DD[/hhss]] [-e YYYY-MM-DD[/hhss]] [project_or_user]...
-h Ask for help
-M Request data from a named other cluster
-j Request data for a specific jobid or jobids (comma-separated)
-q Quiet, quick, abbreviated output (no QOS or memory information)
-v Verbose, tells a little more
-m Start time is start of this month
-y Start time is start of this year
-s Request a start time (default is a month back in time)
-e Request an end time (default is now)
Time can also be specified as NOW, TODAY, YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-w
Meaning of jobstate: CANCELLED Job was cancelled, before or after it had started COMPLETED Job run to finish, last command gave exit code 0 FAILED Job crashed or at least ended with an exit code that was not 0 NODE_FAIL One of your job nodes experienced a major problem, perhaps your job used all available memory TIMEOUT Job exceeded the specified timelimit and was therefore terminated ````
Show the information about a specific job¶
Use finishedjobinfo -j [job_number]
to get information about a specific
job, where [job_number]
is the job number,
for example finishedjobinfo -j 44981366
How does that look like?
Here is an example output:
[richel@rackham3 ~]$ finishedjobinfo -j 44981366
2024-02-09 12:30:37 jobid=44981366 jobstate=TIMEOUT username=richel account=staff nodes=r35 procs=1 partition=core qos=normal maxmemory_in_GiB=0.1 maxmemory_node=r35 timelimit=00:01:00 submit_time=2024-02-09T12:27:29 start_time=2024-02-09T12:29:18 end_time=2024-02-09T12:30:37 runtime=00:01:19 margin=-00:00:19 queuetime=00:01:49
2024-02-09 12:30:37 jobid=44981366 jobstate=TIMEOUT username=richel account=staff nodes=r35 procs=1 partition=core qos=normal maxmemory_in_GiB=0.1 maxmemory_node=r35 timelimit=00:01:00 submit_time=2024-02-09T12:27:29 start_time=2024-02-09T12:29:18 end_time=2024-02-09T12:30:37 runtime=00:01:19 margin=-00:00:19 queuetime=00:01:49